L'AJMER est une association de la loi 1901 regroupant des internes, des assistants et des chefs de clinique en Médecine Physique et Réadaptation sur toute la France. L'association a été créée en 2003.
Promouvoir et développer notre spécialité médicale.
Favoriser les contacts entre les jeunes médecins de MPR.
Promouvoir la formation des internes.
Améliorer les liens avec les autres institutions de MPR.
Représenter les internes dans toutes les autres institutions médicales.
About the AJMER association :
Hello and welcome to the site of AJMER, the association of young PMR physicians in France.
Our organization, created in 2003, brings together the community of students, residents and assistants in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
We aim at participating in the development of our specialty by giving our members access to various training schemes, thanks to our partners including COFEMER (http://www.cofemer.fr/) and SOFMER (https://www.sofmer.com/).
We are also involved in organizing specific events and disseminate information on upcoming conferences, workshops and other events of interest for PMR.
Finally, our association serves as an instrument facilitating communication between residents and other members in France as well as with residents in other countries.
Feel free to contact us for information regarding AJMER or any other issue.
We hope to hear from you soon !
The AJMER team