Hello and welcome to the site of AJMER, the association of young PRM physicians in France.
Our organization, created in 2003, brings together the community of students, residents and assistants in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
We aim at participating in the development of our specialty by giving our members access to various training schemes, thanks to our partners including COFEMER (http://www.cofemer.fr/) and SOFMER (https://www.sofmer.com/).
We are also involved in organizing specific events and disseminate information on upcoming conferences, workshops and other events of interest for PRM.
Finally, our association serves as an instrument facilitating communication between residents and other members in France as well as with residents in other countries.
Feel free to contact us for information regarding AJMER or any other issue.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Get ready for a major PRM event to take place in Paris, France on 08 to 12 July 2018 : the International Congress of ISPRM !
The congress is a tremendous opportunity to get an insight into the diversity of PRM practices around the world and to learn about developments and innovations in our speciality. This will also be an opportunity to meet, discuss, exchange, share our knowledge and of course to spend a great time together.
We are preparing a number of events to take place during the Congress, including a first day of learning for residents, practical workshops as well as other events and beautiful Parisian evenings.
We are now starting to book accommodation for French and international residents. The places will be limited and we thank you for letting us know as soon as possible your wish of accommodation so that we can prepare as best as possible for your arrival.
You are welcome to submit abstracts right now on the congress website. The deadline is 6 February 2018 !
You can find other useful information about the congress on: http://isprm2018.com.
We hope all of you will contribute and help make this event unforgettable.
We hope to hear from you soon.
The AJMER team